In your persistence, competition has no existence.


The Windows Registry

The Microsoft Windows Registry is a very powerful and logically designed computer database that controls virtually every facet of your computer's operation and is found on all Microsoft Windows installations.

While the computer's microprocessor is the brain of the hardware, the Registry is the brain of the Operating System.  Most people are unfamiliar with the Registry and with good reason. A deleted or corrupted Registry entry could render an application or even the entire operating system completely unusable.

However, with the advent of spam, poorly written software rushed to production, and any number of spyware agents available to corrupt one's computer, not knowing what the Registry does or how to navigate its basic structure could compromise your computer as easily as any piece of malware waiting to infiltrate its every file.
Reg Edit 
The regedit command opens the Registry and provides the user with a graphical interface that allows for editing or inserting keys that can manipulate software throughout the computer's operating system.

The Registry 
the registry

  • The Classes_Root hive manages installed applications and their associated file extensions.
  • The Current_User hive manages the data and preferences of the currently logged in user.
  • The Local_Machine hive controls settings that affect the entire operating system.
  • The Users hive holds the settings pertaining to all users who have logged into that computer.
  • The Current_Config contains per session data. This data changes the next time a different user logs in or if the computer is restarted.
The Registry is comprised of folders, or Keys, and within those folders STRING, BINARY, DWORD, MULTIWORD, or EXPANDABLE STRING values that can launch, stop, or change process that run on your computer.

Accessing and Editing the Registry
The Registry can be edited manually by expanding each section and drilling down (expanding) into the hive, or folder structure, and locating the entry that needs to be modified or inserting a new entry to control or support a new function.
In many corporate settings, the Network or Computer administrators will disable a users ability to access the Registry. However, most computers used at home or for recreational purposes automatically give the main account administrative privileges. This is good and bad because, while the user has access to add or remove software and hardware, a smart programmer can execute a program to maliciously access the Registry and do untold damage to the computer without the user suspecting a thing.
One of the most vulnerable and, at the same time, powerful Keys within the Registry is the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run location. Within this key, authors of spyware, malware, virus purveyors, and even useful software programs will modify the processes of a user computer from the moment that user logs in.

                                                                 registry keys

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Key will execute a program when any user logs in and bog down system resources (memory, CPU, and disk space) without ever requesting permission by the user This is because the user gave the software the implicit right to do so at the time of install without knowing that the application will hinder the system performance from the very first keystroke.

Why Do You Need a Registry Cleaner?

Most personal computers sold today contain many extraneous applications that are pre installed by the manufacturer.  Updates or complete re-installations of applications may result in duplicate or additional Registry entries requiring more processor and memory overhead as the computer is required to scan deeper into the Registry’s bloated hive. 

Removing these applications may delete the application files but that does not necessarily remove the Registry entries.  Having an easy to use, no-nonsense Registry Cleaner can assist the user in determining what key can be discarded and, more importantly, what keys need to be left untouched for the computer to operate correctly.

Data mining, the practice of sending sensitive data to an irresponsible or unethical marketing firm can lead many unpleasant circumstances, not the least of which is Identity Theft.  With the right Registry Cleaner, you can safeguard yourself from Internet thieves and other eMiscreants by removing potential security breaches caused by less than ethical computer programmers and the malware installed by their applications.
The right Registry Cleaner is a must-have for today’s computer user.  With the right one, a computer has a fighting chance to reach its full potential.


 You should never attempt to delete or modify any entries in your computer registry unless you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing. Deleting or modifying valid entries could render your PC or applications completely unusable.

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